
Week of 10/07/24

OCTOBER ESLR: This month’s ESLR is “Godly Leaders”. Godly Leaders are students who mirror Christ’s character and behavior in diverse environments and who consider the interest of others above their own. (Philippians 2:3) “Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.”


DAILY PORTION: Calvary Chapel Downey invites you to join us as we follow the Daily Portion Bible Reading Plan. When we read our bibles most days of the week, even for a short period of time, we open ourselves up to the opportunity of the Scripture’s transformative power in many areas of our lives.

This week’s Daily Portion:

  • 10/7/24: Isaiah 29-30……..Acts 17-18

  • 10/8/24: Isaiah 31-32……..Acts 19-20

  • 10/9/24: Isaiah 33-34……..Acts 21-22

  • 10/10/24: Isaiah 35-36……Acts 23-24

  • 10/11/24: Isaiah 37-38……Acts 25-26

  • 10/12/24: Isaiah 39-40……Acts 27-28

  • 10/13/24: Isaiah 41-42……Romans 1


FALL FUNDRAISER: We have completed the first week of our school wide fall fundraiser. Let’s keep selling!  Thank you for your support. All forms and payments are due October 18.


IMPORTANT DATE CHANGE: We will now have a ½ day of school on Thursday, October 31.  Late-Start Thursday will begin at 8:25am, and Elementary students will dismiss at 12:00pm.  Any students not picked up by 12:15pm will be signed in to daycare.  DAYCARE WILL ONLY BE AVAILABLE UNTIL 3:30pmIf your child will be staying in daycare, they will need to bring a lunch from home as Hot Lunch will not be available this day. 


DRESS DOWN WEDNESDAYS – OCTOBER 9, 16 & 23! WITH CANDY ONLY: WE NEED CANDY!!! Students may bring an un-opened bag of candy (minimum 8 oz. bag) with them to school on Wednesday, October 9, 16 and 23 to use as their ticket to DRESS DOWN that day. Be sure to follow the free-dress guidelines. All donated candy will be used at the CCD Harvest Festival on October 31st. No gum or scary candy please.


FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11 - CHARLIE BROWN & FRIENDS DRESS-UP DAY: Students may dress like any Peanuts character or wear a Peanuts themed t shirt.


FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11 - End of First Quarter (Half Day/ Daycare is Available):

School is dismissed at 12:00pm.  Students not picked up by 12:15pm will be signed into daycare.  Daycare charges begin at 3:00pm. Students who are staying in daycare will need a lunch from home or a hot lunch.  If your child does not have lunch by 12:15pm, an emergency lunch will be given to them.


CHEER CLINIC: Calvary Chapel Christian High School Cheerleaders will be hosting a Cheer Clinic for K-5th grade on Saturday, October 26. Participants will perform in a pep rally on Friday, November 1 and at the Homecoming Football game on November 2.

  • CHEER CLINIC: Saturday, October 26th


  • TIME: 9:00am – 11:00am


*Parents must sign-in their child at the Gym entrance. Parents are welcome back at the last 10 minutes to watch a preview performance. (No parents allowed in the Gym during the clinic).





October 15: Make Up Picture Day

October 28-30: Elementary Parent/Teacher Conference (Half Day/ Daycare is Available)

October 31: Harvest Celebration (Half Day/Daycare is Available until 3:30pm) 

November 1: Full School Day